Grateful you took us all along for the ride and gave us a window into your outer and inner world. Finding a new 7K omelette email in my inbox has felt like receiving a surprise gift! May the end of this trip mark the first chapter of a longer journey you document here.

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It was a total delight to share your trip via your blog, Jake, and although you clearly are ready to be home, I will be sorry not to have your travel posts to read! I hope your return home is all you are wishing it to be and more. I look forward to reading more of your reflections and thoughts on what comes next.

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What an epic end to your journey! The highs and lows just keep on coming! I loved reading about your time with Adam and his cast of characters in NOLA, your delight at being upgraded to a roomette (which are possible to share, as my daughter and I did from Champaign to NOLA several years ago), your hilarious description of the sink, and the wonders of connecting with fellow travelers and writers Michael and Jenny! I do hope there will be a sequel to your blog, but thank you for your generosity in allowing us to travel with you and to enjoy your very perceptive and well crafted observations about the world. Enjoy your homecoming and thanks again for sharing your experiences!

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I woke up on Sunday morning with a hunch that an upgrade to a roomette would be the perfect treat for the last big leg of your trip. Little did I know until this post just how spot-on that hunch was. It’s been a real joy sharing your journey, Jake! Thank you for taking us along. Can’t wait for your next chapter.

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What an absolute honor to be part of your journey. Your enthusiasm and openness is exactly what’s needed in order to make real changes. You are the hope.

Here’s to many collaborative efforts in the near future!

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